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Re: Nova - Dirty Bombs - London Scenario question/critque
Stewart Farber wrote:
> Isn't it rather trivial to set up even rather crude real time radiation sensors
> around any major city that could track the presence and movement [of a gamma
> source at least] into or near a city quite easily such that the source could be
> intercepted before it gets to the heart of a city? A helicopter with a radiation
> sensor could pinpoint the location of any vehicle carrying a substantial
> unshielded source [like that hyped in the NOVA program] in a matter of minutes
> and it could be intercepted by authorities before it might be exploded.
As a matter of fact ---- HPI builds a GM detector for LBNL's area
monitoring program that would be absolutely perfect for this. The 1
inch by 12 inch active area E comp GM tube with a sensitivity of 650,000
counts per mREM detects very small variations in background!
They even have a companion datalogger that needs only power, a modem and
a phone line to interrogate periodically or continuous open line to
monitor in real time. We set up one station that was solar powered (100
watt panel charging 4 group 27 marine batteries) with one of these GM
units, a neutron detector, the datalogger and a radio link for
GM's are inherently stable and robust providing relatively cheap and
reliable low noise readings for years.
These units are sensitive enough that in looking over data logs I could
not only discern annual variation in background but could also detect
when it was raining and local ground saturation!!
Two times I believe I even saw events similar to the industrial
radiography incident mentioned here. In one case I suspect a vehicle
with an open source driving up a road (like commonly happens when the
source does not retract). Unfortunately I was never able to confirm any
such event - but the simultaneous readings from two stations about a
mile apart on opposite hilltops with a valley in between with a road
running up the valley - are unmistakable.
No - I don't own stock in HPI!! (just my conceptual design!)
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