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RE: Nova - Dirty Bombs

I agree with Brian Keele's suggestion. Besides, this discussion is taking too much space in Radsafe. If terrorists want to get ideas about possible nuclear/radiation attacks, they can readily find them at
or from the IAEA itself at

Luis Cabeza
Radiation Protection Officer
Radiation Protection Service
Ontario Ministry of Labour
Tel: 416-235-5797
Fax: 416-235-5926

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Keele [mailto:bdkeele@HOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: February 28, 2003 10:39 AM
To: eic@shaw.ca; radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
Subject: RE: Nova - Dirty Bombs

Kai and several others,

I urge that thoughts and ideas which could be used by a potential adversary be kept off of Radsafe and out of any public forum. Anybody could be reading the posts or searching archives. I don't want internet web site produced by the worlds experts on radiation safety, which contains basic concepts for new terrifying weapons and the prescription for handling them safely.

Brian Keele