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Re: Dirty bombs

Nardi, A. Joseph wrote:

>This is really an issue of "How clean is clean enough".  When

>decommissioning a licensed facility we are required to take more effort to

>chase "the last atom" because of the exposure scenarios that are associated

>with the development of cleanup criteria.  Such decommissioning scenarios

>should not be considered applicable to the cleanup associated with an act of

>terrorism particularly in an outdoor environment.  It seems to me that one

>of the considerations that should be thought out now is what would be the

>appropriate cleanup criteria to be applied in the event of such an act of

>terrorism.  Otherwise we are going to end up with the default criteria.  The

>elements that would be required to establish appropriate criteria might be

>as follows:


>*	Establish a rational dose criteria to be used in these scenarios.

>This might be done on a time dependent basis such as the first five years,

>the second 10 years, etc.

>*	Define a realistic scenario for the dose calculation based on

>different dirty bomb scenarios.

>*	Establish a model that is based on realistic model parameters, not

>using the general approach for decommissioning models where the parameters

>are the 90th percentile or other levels of conservatism.

>*	Use the above to establish reasonably protective cleanup criteria

>that can be used in such an event before the act rather than trying to

>develop the criteria in the "heat of the moment".


>Just my humble opinion



>A. Joseph Nardi, Supervisory Engineer

>Westinghouse Electric Company

>P. O. Box 355

>Pittsburgh, PA 15230

>Telephone:     412-374-4652

>FAX Number:  412-374-3357

>email:               nardiaj@westinghouse.com




Joe, this is an excellent idea.  Let me suggest that the criteria 

include that there will be no immediate harm to a person and that the 

long term risks are low.

John Andrews

Knoxville, Tennessee


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