You can look through the NRC's information notices at:
These contain a lot of examples of things that have gone wrong.
NRC's annual report to Congress on abnormal occurrences [the NUREG-0090 series] contains the more significant events. The most recent one is on line at:
Previous reports in the NUREG-0090 series may be online through ADAMS:
Or you can get help from the NRC's Public Document Room:
One incident from several years ago that sticks in my mind:
A lactating patient was treated with radioiodine and the nursing child's thyroid was destroyed as a result.
-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Harrison []
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 6:43 PM
Subject: Risk Assessment
I am new to this list and have never contributed. I am a Radiology Director for a medium sized rural hospital. Our new Safety Officer for the hospital has asked me to perform a Risk Assessment for our Radiation Safety plan. These are the following potential "hazards" I have identified thus far. Our Safety Officer, however, has mentioned that he would like a list of ALL possible radiation-related possibilites (no matter how extreme the may seem), I ask you to please, please assist me with suggestions for this list.
Here is what I have:
Radiating a Pregnant Patient
Large, Moderate, and Minor Spill (internal and external)
Theft of Radioactive Material from the Nuc Med Hot Lab
Employee Exceeding Annual Limits
Please help me with any other suggestions.
Thank you in advance,
Susan Harrison
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