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Briefing on Depleted Uranium - News Transcript
Following is an excerpt of a DoD briefing on DU that I though would
interest RadSafers. It deals with both the weaponry and health
aspects. A link to the full text is given at bottom.
--Susan Gawarecki
Briefing on Depleted Uranium - News Transcript
On the web:
Media contact: media@defenselink.mil or +1 (703) 697-5131
Public contact: public@defenselink.mil or +1 (703) 428-0711
Presenter: COL James Naughton, U.S. Army Materiel Command
Friday, March 14, 2003 -- 1 p.m.EST
(Also participating in this briefing was Dr. Michael Kilpatrick)
MODERATOR: Thank you for attending this afternoon. Today's briefing is
on depleted uranium. Depleted uranium is something that I think we haze
not done a good enough job in making sure that everybody understands
what depleted uranium is and what it isn't. And as we go forward, and if
there is a conflict in Iraq, I think it's important for everybody to
have a good understanding of depleted uranium, because there is an awful
lot of misinformation out there about depleted uranium.
To help us do that today we have two briefers. We have Army Colonel
James Naughton from the U.S. Army Materiel Command and he'll talk about
depleted uranium as a weapon and as an armor plating. And also with us
today is Dr. Michael Kilpatrick, who is of the Deployment Health Support
Directorate, and he will be here to talk to you about the health effects
of depleted uranium. We have probably about 30 minutes or so, but we
will try to get all your questions answered. So let's go ahead and get
Full text of briefing (long) at
Susan L. Gawarecki, Ph.D., Executive Director
Oak Ridge Reservation Local Oversight Committee
102 Robertsville Road, Suite B, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Toll free 888-770-3073 ~ www.local-oversight.org
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