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RE: HP and Rad Health Handbook, 1998...
Title: Message
Comparing the values in Table 11.2.1 of the Handbook to the values shown
in the Harris Nuclear Plant Safety Analysis Report indicates that the Handbook
has a typo. The exponent should be "+8" not "-8". For instance the number of
curies of I-131 in the core is 0.85E+08, the number of curies of Xe-133 in
the core is 1.7E+08, etc.
Anyone familiar with Table 11.2.1
of the 1998 Handbook of Health Physics and Radiological Health, Third Edition,
'Initial Activity of Radionuclides in the Nuclear Reactor Core at the Time of
a Hypothetical Accident'. The units of 'Curies x10-8' are a little
baffling.....is it per fission, per watt per Mev/s.... ?? I'm searching for
the reference for this table but haven't located a copy yet...(WASH-1400
and/or NUREG-0956)
Brown, CHP
National Institute of Standards and Technology
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