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RE: UF6 Truck crashes in Tenn, USA; nothing happens
The location and timing of this accident was bizarrely coincidental. It
occurred just a few miles west of the DOE's Oak Ridge Reservation. For
the preceding couple of weeks we have had a media uproar (sparked, I'm
afraid, by comments at my Board of Directors meeting) about the proposed
routing of the cylinders of depleted uranium hexafluoride from K-25 to
Portsmouth GDP.
DOE is to ship these cylinders for the purpose of processing the DUF6
into a stable oxide form. Initial indications were that these shipments
(500 ANSI-compliant cylinders, one per truck, this summer) were to be
routed through downtown Oak Ridge. As it turns out, this may not be the
case (this debate was good for a few headlines). However, the larger
issue is that DOE's contractor has yet to meet with emergency responders
from the affected jurisdictions so that they can plan and train for
possible accidents or incidents.
I'm puzzled by the DOE's plan to use trucks instead of rail.
Considering that interstate construction (congestion) season is in full
swing, it seems that rail transport would be faster and cheaper (and
likely safer) than the many truckloads would, even with armed escorts
for the convoys.
The Local Oversight Committee will be happy to have these cylinders gone
from K-25. We just hope that DOE makes a rational transportation
decision and involves local officials in the planning process.
Susan Gawarecki
Susan L. Gawarecki, Ph.D., Executive Director
Oak Ridge Reservation Local Oversight Committee
102 Robertsville Road, Suite B, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Toll free 888-770-3073 ~ www.local-oversight.org
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