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Re: Sydney Morning Herald says 5000 died of radiation at Chernobyl
Thanks, Jaro. That was great news. And the basic unscear.org address is
back up. I guess it was just down for maintenance. Anyway, I'm glad that
the sites are alive and well for now. Thanks again
Best wishes,
Maury Siskel maury@webtexas.com
"Franta, Jaroslav" wrote:
> I had no trouble accessing the site (at least the pdf file) this
> morning, using the URL you provided earlier. I also had a copy of the
> file, downloaded earlier....
> http://www.unscear.org/pdffiles/annexj.pdf
> Jaro
> -----Original Message-----
> From: JGinniver@AOL.COM [mailto:JGinniver@AOL.COM]
> Sent: Sunday May 11, 2003 7:20 PM
> ------- snipped -------------------
It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
Charles M. Province
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