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Re: respiratory tract dose

> "...pompous, sanctimonious, arrogant, and condescending..."  Is that the

best you can do!

> BTW, I assume that you've provided this person with the needed

information, and have taken

> responsibility for his facility's licensing basis.  Please share your work

with all of us.

Well, we all put our best foot forward on this one, didn't we? Bill's

general point was well taken, but there was no need to be overly negative

with a new person, and certainly not to pick on his spelling. Then, we

certainly did not need to make it worse by starting an on-line name calling

match. As moderator, I am profoundly disappointed in this display of

childishness. Nothing that rises to the level of list discipline, but enough

to be thoroughly depressing. Kevin, I hope you will accept my apologies on

behalf of my colleagues and that you won't judge the whole list by the poor

examples of a few.


Michael G. Stabin, PhD, CHP

Assistant Professor of Radiology and Radiological Sciences

Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences

Vanderbilt University

1161 21st Avenue South

Nashville, TN 37232-2675

Phone (615) 343-0068

Fax   (615) 322-3764

Pager (615) 835-5153

e-mail     michael.g.stabin@vanderbilt.edu

internet   www.doseinfo-radar.com


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