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Re: respiratory tract dose
> "...pompous, sanctimonious, arrogant, and condescending..." Is that the best you can do!
> BTW, I assume that you've provided this person with the needed information, and have taken
> responsibility for his facility's licensing basis. Please share your work with all of us.
For years I could not understand those unwilling to share their knowledge.
The reasons I have discovered so far are fear not to be overtaken
(one cannot fool oneself about his/her own horsepowers) or, alternatively,
necessity not to show how little is there to be shared.
Sorry if this sounds too agressive - I mean sharing the above knowledge only.
Dimiter Popoff
Transgalactic Instruments, Gourko Str. 25 b, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Email: tgi@cit.bg, tgi_earth@yahoo.com
Phone: ++359/2/9923340
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