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RE: the health physics profession
>This is a bit strong, but you have a point here. There is some practice of
>radiation safety out there by people with minimal training and/or
>supervision. We (as professionals) can strive to correct this,
How can HP's strive to correct this?
The only people that can correct this are the people that spend the money to hire competent individuals, or the regulators.
For the individual that started this thread, I would have to say if I were in his shoes, that I would respectfully decline the request of the employer because I am not qualified.
Another aspect for HP's is, help the individual, they might do a bang-up job and the license will be Ok. Or, help them, and the license will fail miserably. It will be tough environment to operate by,
will cause many headaches, and in the end could cause the employer to spend more money than it would have cost to hire a HP. Lesson learned.
And third, with yet another over exposure in a hospital, why doesn't the NRC just pull the license? What is $6000.00. That's not even enough to get noticed. It is a joke. Does the NRC accept VISA? Pull the hospitals license and that will cost them mega-bucks in lost business. If it is the only hospital in the area I can see just a fine and increased oversight for public safety. But if there is another hospital in the town, pull the license for six months, or until the hospital gets a program in place to permanently prevent over exposure's. The NRC shuts power plants down, why not pull a hospital's license. Enough hospital's lose their license, that would scare all the other hospitals to permanently get their act together. The same goes true for radiographers also.
I also know there are hospitals and radiographers with very competent programs, but from trending OE, it would appear there are more events with hospitals and radiographers.
Just how I see things,
Michael D. Kent
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