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My, what a dialogue!

To All:

	First, 'Thank You' to all those who provided me with the technical 

guidance I requested.  I have read and considered the points made by 

all.  I am sensitive to concerns about those to whom you refer as "meter 

readers".   It is within my professional mode of conduct, coupled with a 

recognition of my limitations, and humility to seek assistance and, thus, 

avoid becoming a "meter swinger".

	Second, the collective episode (of my question and subsequent responses) 

is classic case of the benefits and limitations of e-mail 

communication.  The benefit:   I can rapidly access many experts in a field 

of professional/technical discipline in which I am weak.  The 

limitation:  It is nearly impossible to construction and put forth a 

concise question that adequately provides all relevant information, e.g., 

my experience/qualifications, size of our program, why RHB even wants the 

exposure estimate, my motivations or judgements, etc., etc., etc.   In the 

absence of that relevant information, it is all too easy for speculation 

and assumptions to flavor responses which truly fit the complete context of 

one's question.

	Perhaps questions from individuals such as myself who lie outside the 

mainstream of health physics, help the profession as a whole by generating 

the discussions which have transpired and give cause for re-examination of 

professional standards.  Likewise, it helps those of us outside the HP 

realm ensure that we don't take lightly the duties and standard of care.

	If I questions in the future I will not hesitate to post on radsafe, 

though the questions will be posted with greater care to details.

Kevin Creed

R. Kevin Creed


Environmental Health & Safety

Humboldt State University


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