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Revised Handbook Expands Radiological Casualty Management Information
>From AFFRi
This book covers radiation dispersion devices and industrial contamination
Revised Handbook Expands RadiologicalCasualty Management Information
The second edition of the Medical Management of Radiological Casualties
Handbook is available now in PDF for screen at this link. Thousands of
printed copies will be in the mail during May to hundreds of military
medical centers, clinics, and first-responder organizations. Requests for
the printed handbook should be e-mailed to MEIR@afrri.usuhs.mil.
The handbook, last published in 1999, has been expanded to include
additional information on biological dosimetry and the new Biodosimetry
Assessment Tool software application available to authorized health care
providers. In addition, the handbook includes, as a tear-out, a version of
the Department of Veterans Affairs guidance on terrorism with ionizing
Helpful tables capture information on topics that include the acute
radiation syndrome, intermittent/chronic exposure syndromes, biological
dosimetry assays, recommended cytokine use for severe neutropenia, and
recommended potassium iodide doses for thyroid exposure. An extensive index
and list of acronyms and abbreviations make the handbook user friendly.
Fred Dawson
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