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X-Ray film Repeat Analysis

3 June 2003 TUE 17:35 hrs PDT Vancouver, WA

Our Health Care facility performed it's first 'reject analysis' that I know of as we have been utilizing a

different Quality Assurance system prior to this.  (The "Reject Rate" analysis is also known as a 'repeat'

analysis where rejected & discarded films are counted & categorized.)

While the rate was posted as  9.6% ... I can find no 'bench mark' to compare this to.  There is no way to

know if that is High, low or just average.  

I can can find no other like statistic on line or by contacting friends in California via phone to to assist

me.  ASRT had no current info either except for mammography.

While I expected that this type of survey would be common in other states and areas of the country, I have

drawn a blank here in the local area.

So I petition for some direction and I am now posting this to this mailing list management 

system for Radiation Safety in Radiologic Science.

If ANY ONE has any information on repeat rate analysis statistic or bench mark to use for comparrison it

would be a great help.

thank you from tim coe

as timcoe2@pacifier.com

KPNW Vancouver, Washington STATE

(the little vancouver ... 143,00

 people on 44 square miles next

 to the columbia river ....)


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