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Re: Mossman paper in Health Physics News - The Debate is Over
To be clear, which debate is over?
(1) The debate that Dr. Cohen's paper does not disprove LNT is over? (i.e.
Cohen's arguments do not disprove LNT.)
(2) The debate over the viability of LNT is over? (i.e. LNT is a sound
basis for spending billions of our dollars cleaning up sites to well below
the levels of background radiation.)
If it is (2) then how do we explain the health in Ramsar, Iran and other
similar places?
At 10:19 PM 6/5/2003 +0000, epirad@mchsi.com wrote:
>Dr. Cohen,
>In Dr. Mossman's editorial he states the debate is over. From the people I
>to, most people agree with Dr. Mossman that indeed the debate is over. If
>feel it is not, what review group would you accept to make that
>decision? Will
>you accept the NCRP's position?
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