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Re: Radon, smoking and LNT
So, from the statement
. . . Their
> objections were on my methodology rather than to my
> data. To me, they
> were saying that I do not use the normal methodology
> of epidemiology, which
> I certainly have always recognized.
should I conclude that there is no way you will accept
any critism of your work from epidemiologists? Isn't
this equivalent to inventing your own scheme for
solving thermodynamic problems, and then saying that
other physicists are wrong when they object to the
--- BERNARD L COHEN <blc+@pitt.edu> wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jun 2003 epirad@mchsi.com wrote:
> > Dr. Cohen wrote:
> >
> > To the best of my knowledge, Dr. Field is the only
> epidemiologist who has
> > questioned my data.
> >
> > Several others also have including:
> > Drs. Smith (Biostatisiticain)
> > Dr. Lynch(Epidemiologist and head of the Iowa SEER
> Cancer Registry)
> --These were your co-authors; I assumed that they
> were your
> students.
> > Drs. Doll and Darby both epidemiologist
> > Dr. Archer
> > Dr. Golbert
> > Dr. Goldsmith, etc.
> --I don't recall any questioning of my data on lung
> cancer or
> radon by these. Dr. Gilbert may have indirectly
> questioned my smoking
> data. None of these have suggested what may be wrong
> with my data. Their
> objections were on my methodology rather than to my
> data. To me, they
> were saying that I do not use the normal methodology
> of epidemiology, which
> I certainly have always recognized.
-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail: crispy_bird@yahoo.com
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