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Re: Severe limitations of ecologic data, not overcome by STRATIFICATION


I am posting this response to your question to the list since my direct emails 

to you get returned as sent to the wrong address.  Perhaps you need to correct 

your email address on your header (hlong@pacbell.net)?

You asked - Professor Field,

Do you believe that STRATIFICATION of potential confounders like smoking S

(Cohen used deciles, 10 levels) can test effect (or non-effect) of S on a

disease (like lung cancer LCa)  I believe Cohen's novel technique could do 

for epidemiology what the calculus did for mechanics.


The short answer to your question is no.


Howard, As a professed epidemiologist, you likely know that stratification in 

Epidemiology is not a novel epidemiologic technique, in fact quite the 

opposite.  Please read this portion of a paper from Dr. Greenland that 

addresses epidemiologic problems with ecologic studies in the context Dr. 

Cohen uses them. 

KEY MESSAGES - Quotes from Dr. Greenland's paper -

"Though it is commonly recognized that ecological studies can suffer from 

special biases in estimating individual effects, it is rarely acknowledged 

that the same biases affect ecologic estimates of contextual effects."

"Individual-level data are required to address these problems without resorting 

to controversial assumptions."

To my knowledge, Dr. Cohen never addressed Dr. Greenland's assertions below.



Ecologic versus individual-level sources of bias in ecologic estimates of 

contextual health effects.    

Sander Greenland 

Department of Epidemiology, UCLA School of Public Health, and Department of 

Statistics, UCLA College of Letters and Science, 22333 Swenson Drive, Topanga, 

CA 90290, USA. 


A number of authors have attempted to defend ecologic (aggregate) studies by 

claiming that the goal of those studies is estimation of ecologic (contextual 

or group-level) effects rather than individual-level effects. Critics of these 

attempts point out that ecologic effect estimates are inevitably used as 

estimates of individual effects, despite disclaimers. A more subtle problem is 

that ecologic variation in the distribution of individual effects can bias 

ecologic estimates of contextual effects. The conditions leading to this bias 

are plausible and perhaps even common in studies of ecosocial factors and 

health outcomes because social context is not randomized across typical 

analysis units (administrative regions). By definition, ecologic data contain 

only marginal observations on the joint distribution of individually defined 

confounders and outcomes, and so identify neither contextual nor individual-

level effects. While ecologic studies can still be useful given appropriate 

caveats, their problems are better addressed by multilevel study designs, 

which obtain and use individual as well as group-level data. Nonetheless, such 

studies often share certain special problems with ecologic studies, including 

problems due to inappropriate aggregation and problems due to temporal changes 

in covariate distributions. 

Studies limited to characteristics of aggregates (groups) of individuals are 

usually termed ecologic studies, a usage that will be adopted here.1–5 This 

usage is perhaps unfortunate, for the word ‘ecologic’ suggests that such 

studies are especially appropriate for studying the impact of environmental 

factors, including societal characteristics. I will here review some 

criticisms of this notion, arguing that it arises from confusion of an 

ecologic perspective (addressing relations at the environmental or social 

level) with ecologic studies. As a number of authors have pointed out,6–12 

overcoming this confusion requires adoption of a multilevel perspective, which 

allows integration of theory and observations on all available levels: 

physiological (which examines exposures and responses of systems within 

individuals), individual (which examines exposures and responses of 

individuals), and aggregate or contextual (which examines exposures and 

responses of aggregates or clusters of individuals, such as locales or 


Defences of ecologic studies argue (correctly) that many critics have presumed 

individual-level relations are the ultimate target of inference of all 

ecologic studies, when this is not always so,9,13,14 and that contagious 

outcomes necessitate group-level considerations in modelling regardless of the 

target level.15 They also point out that an ecologic summary may have its own 

direct effects on individual risk beyond that conferred by the contributing 

individual values; for example, average economic status of an area can have 

effects on an individual over and above the effects of the individual's 

economic status.16,17 Unfortunately, some defences go on to make implicit 

assumptions to ‘prove’ that entire classes of ecologic studies are valid, or 

at least no less valid than individual-level analyses; see Greenland and 

Robins,18,19 Morgenstern,5 and Naylor20 for critical commentaries against such 

arguments in the health sciences. Some ecologic researchers are well aware of 

these problems and explicate the assumptions they use,21,22 but still draw 

criticism because of the sensitivity of inferences to those assumptions.23–25 

Thus I will review some controversial assumptions that appear common in 

ecologic analyses of epidemiological data. Finally, I will briefly discuss 

multilevel methods that represent both individual-level and ecologic data 

within a single model. 

The present paper relies on simple illustrations designed to make the points 

transparent to non-mathematical readers, and focuses on problems of 

confounding and specification bias; a companion paper12 provides an overview 

of the underlying mathematical theory. Many other issues have been raised in 

the ongoing ecologic-study controversy; see the references for details, 

especially those in the Discussion section. 

How Ecologic Confounding Depends on Joint Individual-level Distributions

There are two major types of measurements on aggregates: Summaries of 

distributions of individuals within aggregates, such as mean age and per cent 

female; and purely ecologic (contextual) variables that are defined directly 

on the aggregate, such as whether there is a needle-exchange programme in an 

area. The causal effects of the latter purely contextual variables are the 

focus of much social research and ecosocial epidemiology.9,10,13,26,27 

Nonetheless, most outcome variables of public-health importance are summaries 

of individual-level distributions, such as prevalence, incidence, mortality, 

and life expectancy, all of which can be expressed in terms of average 

individual outcomes.28 Furthermore, many contextual variables are measured by 

surrogates that are summaries over individuals; for example, neighbourhood 

social class is often measured by average income and average education. 

The presence of summary measures in an ecologic analysis introduces a major 

source of uncertainty in ecologic inference: Effects on summaries depend on 

the joint individual-level distributions within aggregates, but distributional 

summaries do not fully determine (and sometimes do not even seriously 

constrain) those joint distributions. This problem corresponds to 

the ‘information lost due to aggregation’, and is a key source of controversy 

about ecologic studies.29 

Panel 1 of Table 1 illustrates this problem. For simplicity, just two areas 

are used here, but examples with many areas have also been given.18 Suppose we 

wish to assess a contextual effect, i.e. the impact of an ecologic difference 

between areas A and B (such as a difference in laws or social programmes) on 

the rate of a health outcome, and we measure this effect by the amount RRA 

that this difference multiplies the rate (the true effect of being in A versus 

being in B). One potential risk factor X differs in distribution between the 

areas; an effect of X (measured by the rate ratio RRX comparing X = 1 to X = 0 

within areas) may be present, but we observe no difference in rates between 

the areas. 



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3 Cleave N, Brown PJ, Payne CD. Evaluation of methods for ecological 

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4 Plummer M, Clayton D. Estimation of population exposure in ecological 

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5 Morgenstern H. Ecologic studies. In: Rothman KJ, Greenland S (eds). Modern 

Epidemiology. 2nd Edn. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1998, pp.459–80.

6 Firebaugh G. Assessing group effects. In: Borgatta EF, Jackson DJ (eds). 

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7 Von Korff M, Koepsell T, Curry S, Diehr P. Multi-level analysis in 

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