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Happy Hanukkah! (humor?)
Top 10 Reasons Hanukkah is Cooler than Christmas
at the Green Pasture Atomic Energy Farm
10. There's no "Simpsons with Donny & Marie Hanukkah Special" that the guys
on the night shift would have to watch.
9. Eight days of presents instead of one. Of course, the plant management
will only give you about 7/8ths of last year's, in the spirit of "cost
reduction" and "shareholder value", aka, "hoarding greedy corporate
8.a. Everyone still gets to take off December 25th. Plus, no one can keep
track of when Hanukkah starts anyway (including Jews until they are asked by
some Gentile, at which point they consult a calendar).
8.b. So, anytime the boss asks why you weren't at work yesterday, you can
reply "didn't you know it was Hanukkah?" At which point he'll blush and say
"Oh, sorry". Doesn't work so well in July, though. Trust me on this.
C. Fitness for duty tests are designed to detect egg nog. But not
6.a. Jim doesn't know any Hanukkah songs. If you thought his jokes were
lame, you should here his singing.
6.b. And there's never a Silent Night when you're among Jewish loved ones
5. Unlike Christmas lights, menorahs aren't affected by power outages nor
do they produce nuclear waste nor enormous electric bills.
4. You won't see, "You're a Putz, Charlie Brown," nor hear a barking dog
version of "I had a Little Driedl."
3. Although you might have to explain to your kids why you have to go to
work at the plant during the holiday, or even how a menorah stayed lit for
eight days with only one bottle of oil, you won't have to supply awkward
explanations of virgin pregnancy or flying reindeer.
2. Blintzes are cheaper to mail than fruitcakes and won't be around as long
as nuclear waste.
1. Norm's no where to be found!
0. Bonus! This year, it falls on the Sabbath, so there's a great excuse
not to clean the radiological release stack.
Happy Hanukkah. Or Chanukah or Hannukah, or however you spell it. :-)
PS: Someone please explain this joke to MM and the folks at RadSafe :-).
PPS: Yesterday I went to the grocery store and bought all kinds of stuff
for the guy I help out. Plus, the rich folks at work pitched in with
clothes, food, coffee, grocery store certificate, etc. And, I had lots of
towels, plates, silverware, pots and pans, etc. in my attic. I dropped it
off today and took him to lunch at Pizza Hut and gave him some cash. Most
of all, I spent some time with him. Happy Holidays, y'all. If you are rich
like me (I eat every day), be thankful for and share your fortune with
others if you can. Hanukkah/Christmas ain't about standing in line at
WalMart. Happiness, peace, health and prosperity to you and yours.
Hold the door for the stranger behind you. When the driver in the adjacent
lane signals to get over, slow down. Smile and say "hi" to the folks you
pass on the sidewalk. Give blood. Volunteer.
Working moms: Find helpful tips here on managing kids, home, work — and
yourself. http://special.msn.com/msnbc/workingmom.armx
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