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RE: TLD badge dose

On 9 Jan 2004 at 11:25, Wes Van Pelt wrote:

> In my experience, a normal x-ray scan of carry-on baggage would give

> the luggage a dose of about 0.1 mrad (0.001 mSv). So a dose of 0.14

> mSv seems MUCH too high for routine luggage scans, even if the luggage

> were scanned several times.

Hi Wes,

Your comment is valid. In David's case, the dosimeter was in a 

checked bag (not a carry-on bag) and the 1.4 mSv dose is also valid 

for that type of scan.

Regards ..


Sandy Perle

Vice President, Technical Operations

Global Dosimetry Solutions, Inc.

3300 Hyland Avenue

Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100  Extension 2306

Fax:(714) 668-3149

E-Mail: sperle@globaldosimetry.com

E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net

Personal Website: http://sandy-travels.com/

Global Dosimetry Website: http://www.globaldosimetry.com/


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