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Addressing the Unthinkable, U.S. Revives Study of Fallout
Note: Scary thoughts especially with the FBI as lead..... Gerry
March 19, 2004
Addressing the Unthinkable, U.S. Revives Study of Fallout
o cope with the possibility that terrorists might someday
detonate a nuclear bomb on American soil, the federal government
is reviving a scientific art that was lost after the cold war:
fallout analysis.
The goal, officials and weapons experts both inside and outside
the government say, is to figure out quickly who exploded such a
bomb and where the nuclear material came from. That would clarify
the options for striking back. Officials also hope that if
terrorists know a bomb can be traced, they will be less likely to
try to use one.
In a secretive effort that began five years ago but whose
outlines are just now becoming known, the government's network of
weapons laboratories is hiring new experts, calling in
old-timers, dusting off data and holding drills to sharpen its
ability to do what is euphemistically known as nuclear
attribution or post-event forensics.
It is also building robots that would go into an affected area
and take radioactive samples, as well as field stations that
would dilute dangerous material for safe shipment to national
"Certainly, there's a frightening aspect in all of this," said
Charles B. Richardson, the project leader for nuclear
identification research at the Sandia National Laboratories in
Albuquerque. "But we're putting all these things together with
the hope that they'll never have to be used."
Most experts say the risk of a terrorist nuclear attack is low
but no longer unthinkable, given the spread of material and
know-how around the globe.
Dr. Jay C. Davis, a nuclear scientist who in 1999 helped found
the Pentagon's part of the governmentwide effort, said the
precautions would "pay huge dividends after the event, both in
terms of the ability to identify the bad actor and in terms of
establishing public trust."
In a nuclear crisis, Dr. Davis added, the identification effort
would be vital in "dealing with the desire for instant
gratification through vengeance."
Vice President Dick Cheney was briefed on the program last fall,
Dr. Davis said. The National Security Council coordinates the
work among a dozen or so federal agencies.
The basic science relies on faint clues . tiny bits of
radioactive fallout, often invisible to the eye, that under
intense scrutiny can reveal distinctive signatures. Such wisps of
evidence can help identify an exploded bomb's type and
characteristics, including its country of origin.
Solving the nuclear whodunit could take much more information,
including hard-won law enforcement clues and good intelligence on
foreign nuclear arms and terrorist groups. For that reason,
several federal agencies are involved in the program, among them
the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of
The program addresses true nuclear weapons as well as so-called
dirty bombs, ordinary explosives that spew radioactive debris.
"It's a very hard job," said William Happer, a physicist at
Princeton who led a panel that evaluated the identification work.
Mr. Happer said he was worried that a rush for retribution after
a nuclear attack might cut short the time needed for careful
analysis. "If we lose a city," he said, "we might not wait around
that long."
The effort to fingerprint domestic nuclear blasts is part of a
larger federal project to strengthen the nation's overall
defenses against unconventional terrorist threats. Mostly, the
goal is prevention. For instance, the government recently sent
teams of scientists with hidden radiation detectors to check
major American cities for signs that terrorists might be
preparing to detonate radiological bombs.
In contrast, the identification program seeks to increase the
government's knowledge and options should prevention fail. "We're
trying to resurrect some of our capability," said Reid Worlton, a
retired nuclear scientist from the Los Alamos weapons laboratory
in New Mexico who has been called in to aid the fallout endeavor.
"It sort of died. They're not doing radiochemistry on nuclear
tests anymore, so it's hard to keep these people around."
The effort draws on work that began at the dawn of the atomic
era. Scientists working on the Manhattan Project built an array
of devices to monitor nuclear blasts in the New Mexico desert in
July 1945 and at Hiroshima and Nagasaki a month later. The
experience helped scientists learn what to look for.
The first hunt zeroed in on the Soviet Union. In the late 1940's,
military weather planes used paper filters to gather dust
particles around the periphery of Russia, and scientists in the
United States who analyzed the data at first sounded dozens of
false alarms, said Jeffrey T. Richelson, an intelligence expert
in Washington.
Then, on Sept. 3, 1949, a weather plane flying from Japan to
Alaska picked up a slew of atomic particles. "That was the real
thing," Mr. Richelson said. Twenty days later, President Harry S.
Truman announced that the Soviets had exploded their first
nuclear device.
The ranks of fallout investigators swelled during the cold war as
foreign nations conducted hundreds of atmospheric nuclear tests.
By all accounts, the sleuths made many important discoveries
about the nature and design of foreign nuclear arms.
In time, the ranks dwindled as more and more nations decided to
move their test explosions underground, eliminating fallout. The
last nuclear blast to pummel the earth's atmosphere was in 1980,
and the last known underground test, conducted by Pakistan, was
in 1998.
As the terrorist threat rose in the 1990's, the government began
to consider the quandary that would arise if a nuclear weapon
exploded on American soil. In 1999, Dr. Davis, then head of the
Defense Threat Reduction Agency at the Pentagon, began an effort
to address the identification problem by financing research at
the nation's weapons laboratories, many of them run by the Energy
The first money came in late 2000, Dr. Davis said, and the
attacks of September 2001 "made it clear that a very organized
event on a large scale was credible." That perception, he said,
helped the effort expand.
The secretive work won rare public praise in a June 2002 report
("Making the Nation Safer") from the National Research Council of
the National Academies, the country's leading scientific advisory
group. Having the ability to find out who launched a domestic
nuclear strike, the report said, could deter attackers and
bolster threats of retaliation. The report urged that the program
go into operation "as quickly as practical" and that the
government publicly declare its existence.
Since then, weapons laboratories and other federal agencies have
worked hard on the problem. "They're making progress but they've
got a ways to go," said Mr. Worlton, the retired Los Alamos
In a drill this year, dozens of federal experts in fallout
analysis met at the Sandia laboratories in Albuquerque to study a
simulated terrorist nuclear blast. Mr. Worlton said they were
broken into teams and given radiological data from two old
American nuclear tests, whose identities remained hidden, and
were instructed to try to name them. Some teams succeeded, he
Mr. Richardson of Sandia said the laboratory was developing a
land robot that could roll up to 10 miles to sample fallout and
return it to human operators for analysis. It could also radio
back some results if it became stuck. Mr. Richardson said the
robots, now in development, are to be ready in a couple of years.
Experts say a new aircraft for atmospheric sampling of nuclear
fallout is also in development. The Air Force currently has one,
the WC-135W Constant Phoenix, for such work. It was first
deployed in 1965.
Weapons experts say getting samples fast is important because
some radioactive debris can decay rapidly. If captured quickly,
they can shed light on a weapon's design.
One way of trying to identify a bomb's origin positively, several
experts say, is to match debris signatures with libraries of
classified data about nuclear arms around the world, including
old fallout signatures and more direct intelligence about bomb
types, characteristics and construction materials.
"If you're talking about a stolen device, you might try to do
that," Mr. Richardson said. "But if it's improvised, that's less
likely to work. It might not look like things you've seen before."
A further complication is that even knowing who made a bomb may
say little about who detonated it. In a 1991 Tom Clancy novel,
"The Sum of All Fears," Islamic terrorists find and rebuild an
Israeli nuclear weapon and set it off at the Super Bowl.
Federal experts say complex threat scenarios (for instance, an
American warhead being stolen and detonated in an American city)
mean that many types of intelligence might be needed for
successful identification. Over all, it is unclear how much money
the government is spending on the effort.
Private experts offered suggestions for improvement. Dr. Happer
of Princeton, who heads a university board that helps oversee
campus research, said the program might be cooperating too little
with nuclear allies. "It's to our advantage," he said, "for all
of us to share."
Dr. Davis, the former head of the Defense Threat Reduction
Agency, made several policy recommendations last April in an
article for The Journal of Homeland Security. He said the F.B.I.
should lead the program, presidentially appointed overseers
should guide it, goals should be set for how long analyses should
take and legal issues of prosecution should be examined.
In an interview, Dr. Davis said his suggestions had made little
headway, partly because of the topic's grisly nature. "This is an
ugly subject because your best effort is going to be barely
adequate," he said. "That's not the kind of phrase people like to
Mr. Richardson of Sandia said that the attribution effort had
made good technical progress and had already some ability to
identify an attacker.
"We're hoping for deterrence," he said. "We don't want anybody to
think they can get away with it."
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