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Article: At the Center of the Storm Over Bush And Science
I thought this would be of interest as we all have
concerns about science and formulation of government
At the Center of the Storm Over Bush And Science
March 30, 2004
WASHINGTON - The average scientific dispute is a joust
in obscurity, a clash over technical matters that few
but the immediate combatants grasp or are even aware
Dr. John H. Marburger III, President Bush's science
adviser, might relish a dose of that obscurity right
now. Instead, he has become the first line of defense
against accusations that the Bush administration has
systematically distorted scientific fact and stacked
technical advisory committees to advance favored
policies on the environment, on biomedical research
and on other areas like the search for unconventional
weapons in Iraq.
Dr. Marburger says that pattern is illusory, a product
of stringing together a few unrelated incidents within
the vast canvas of government science, most of which
is working just fine.
"From all the evidence I can find," he said, "it's
certainly not true that science is being manipulated
this administration to suit its policy. It's simply
not the case."
But to a degree not seen in previous administrations,
a wide range of influential scientists - even many who
say they like Dr. Marburger personally and respect him
professionally - express dismay at White House science
"I think this is as bad as it's ever been," said
Wolfgang H. K. Panofsky, a retired Stanford physicist
who has advised the government on science and national
security since the Eisenhower administration. "This is
an extremely serious issue. I believe it is true that
there is such a thing as objective scientific reality,
and if you ignore that or try to misrepresent it in
formulating policy, you do so at peril to the
Other experts have been blunter. In a recent interview
on National Public Radio, Dr. Howard Gardner, a
cognitive psychologist at Harvard, said, "I actually
feel very sorry for Marburger, because I think he
probably is enough of a scientist to realize that he
basically has become a prostitute."
Later, in an interview with The New York Times, Dr.
Gardner said he had made the reference but added, "I
wish I'd used it as a verb rather than as a noun."
An intent graying physicist and woodworking enthusiast
who once built an entire harpsichord from scratch, Dr.
Marburger, 63, is so unassuming that he routinely
melted into the backdrop at announcements of
discoveries while working at the Brookhaven National
Laboratory in Upton on Long Island. He was director of
the laboratory before moving to Washington in October
But just as in the now-you-see-it, now-you-don't world
of quantum phenomena that Dr. Marburger, who is also
director of the Office of Science and Technology
Policy at the White House, has spent much of his life
studying, appearances may be beside the point. Widely
believed to be excluded from the president's inner
circle - he surprised many people by declaring soon
after his nomination that he was a lifelong Democrat -
Dr. Marburger is said by White House officials to have
Mr. Bush's ear on all important technical matters. The
president who is supposedly so antagonistic to science
enjoys Dr. Marburger's explanatory style, the
In fact, Dr. Marburger, who has recently endured
speculation that he might resign, may be just what
fellow scientists have always longed for in the White
House, an expert with deep knowledge of the technical
issues, a bureaucrat's ease in palace politics, a
ready turn of phrase and even a modest dose of
"He is closer to the pulse in the White House than any
of his predecessors, to my knowledge," said Andrew H.
Card Jr., the White House chief of staff who also
worked for Mr. Bush's father and Ronald Reagan. Not
only does Dr. Marburger typically attend each morning
meeting for the senior staff in the Roosevelt Room,
Mr. Card said, but also "the president enjoys Jack
"He's a little bit of a character, which is fun," Mr.
Card said.
Joshua B. Bolten, director of the Office of Management
and Budget, said that Dr. Marburger was "either at or
near the top of the list of those who participate most
actively in the budget process, in my experience."
To colleagues and friends who suggest that Dr.
Marburger could not possibly agree with many of the
administration's science policies - for example,
limits on embryonic stem cell research that many
scientists have said hamper potentially therapeutic
applications - he has a simple answer. "No one will
know my personal positions on issues as long as I am
in this job," Dr. Marburger said in an interview. "I
am here to make sure that the science input to policy
making is sound, and that the executive branch
functions properly with respect to its science and
technology missions."
Stem cells, for instance, "offer great promise for
addressing previously incurable diseases and
afflictions," Dr. Marburger said. "But I can't tell
when a fertilized egg becomes sacred. That's not my
job. That's not a science issue. And so whatever I
think about reproductive technology or choice or
whatever is irrelevant for my job as a science
That is the approach he took as chairman of Gov. Mario
M. Cuomo's fact-finding commission on the Shoreham
nuclear power plant on Long Island in 1983. Dr.
Marburger later made it clear that he did not agree
with everything in the consensus report on the
reactor, which found that the plant probably should
never have been built and would bring few if any
benefits if it opened. The reactor never went into
full operation.
"The governor didn't want my opinion," Dr. Marburger
said. "He told me that. The governor wanted to know
what the situation was. And I delivered that."
That was not the only contentious issue that he
handled smoothly before going to Washington. When he
took over as director of Brookhaven in 1998, there was
widespread outrage over disclosures of a leak of
radioactive tritium from a research reactor. Dr.
Marburger was credited with creating policies and a
dialogue that quelled the outrage. He finally presided
over the shutdown of the reactor, a move that the
Energy Department ordered. Dr. Marburger said he did
not support that decision.
"I regret it," he said. "I thought it was a good
reactor, and it still had years of life left in it."
Those episodes may afford a clue to the mind of the
elusive Dr. Marburger, who was also president of the
State University of New York at Stony Brook from 1980
to 1994 and before that was dean at the California
Institute of Technology. He was born on Staten Island
and grew up in Maryland near Washington before
studying at Princeton and Stanford, where he received
his Ph.D. in 1967.
However adroitly Dr. Marburger's credibility and
communications skills helped him handle those crises,
he is discovering that the forces of discontent
focused on Washington are far less easily tamed. Many
influential scientists remain convinced that Dr.
Marburger has simply disappeared at the White House,
after arriving 10 months into the administration,
because of Mr. Bush's delay in appointing him. Even
then, Dr. Marburger did not receive the prestigious
title "assistant to the president" that some of his
predecessors had, but instead reports directly to Mr.
In the view of some scientists with decades of
experience in advising the government, all those
factors have helped open the way to widespread
political interference in the technical advisory
process across numerous agencies.
"I don't believe there's any precedent for it, I
really don't, at least since World War II," said Dr.
Lewis M. Branscomb, a physicist who is an emeritus
professor of public policy and corporate management at
the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.
Dr. Branscomb was director of the National Bureau of
Standards under President Richard M. Nixon and was
also on high-level advisory panels for four other
presidents, dating from John F. Kennedy.
Speaking directly about Dr. Marburger, Dr. Branscomb
added, "I have a great deal of sympathy for his
position, because I don't believe he has the
authority, the power, to go back into all the agencies
and unearth all the facts about all these cases."
Discontent among scientists has recently verged on
insurrection. In late February, more than 60
influential scientists, including more than 20 Nobel
laureates, signed a statement saying the
administration had disbanded scientific advisory
committees, placed unqualified people on other panels
and censored reports by others when their scientific
conclusions conflicted with administration policies.
"Other administrations have, on occasion, engaged in
such practices, but not so systematically nor on so
wide a front," the letter said.
That letter and a highly critical, detailed report by
the Union of Concerned Scientists that was released at
the same time pointed to, among other problems, what
it called tampering in June 2003 with a draft report
by the Environmental Protection Agency on climate
change. Dr. Marburger voiced respect for the letter's
signers, and he has asked them to discuss their
concerns with him. But uncharacteristically, he also
flashed rhetorical steel in responding to the
criticisms in the two documents. He said that although
a few isolated incidents might have "ruffled
feathers," the effort to argue that they constituted a
pattern had produced a "conspiracy theory report."
Even some scientists who are strongly sympathetic to
his position suggest that this counterattack might
have been hasty.
"I think it would have been better to say, `Well, it
raises some serious allegations; I will look into
them,' " Dr. Bruce Alberts, president of the National
Academy of Sciences, said. "That would have been a
more appropriate response and probably would not have
hurt him at all with anybody, including the
Some scientists, though, said Dr. Marburger's quick
reaction was understandable, given what they say are
flaws in the report by the Union of Concerned
"It was really a generalization of a lot of individual
things that might have happened or might not have
happened," said Erich Bloch, a principal at the
Washington Advisory Group, which does for-profit
consulting on technical issues. "I'm not so sure that
one should interpret that as being the majority
opinion of the scientific community," said Mr. Bloch,
who directed the National Science Foundation from 1984
to 1990 and is on the President's Council of Advisers
on Science and Technology.
Still, Dr. Richard L. Garwin, a physicist who has
advised the government since the mid-1950's and who
signed the letter, said he was satisfied that the
report showed "political influence in order to make
the science come out right for preconceived notions."
A recent day spent following Dr. Marburger on his
rounds in Washington provided some insights into his
schedule but little into his own views on science
policy. He gave an early-morning speech to a
conference on the future of aging, presided over a
staff meeting in his sixth-floor office on
Pennsylvania Avenue, lunched at the Bombay Club with
an official from the National Institutes of Health and
gave another speech, this time before young scientists
whom the government is courting for military research.
Along the way he offered a few conjectures about the
reasons for the attacks by some scientists. "I know
that we are in the early stages of a very bitter
political campaign," he said. "I don't think it is
appropriate for people who are concerned about their
country to act with such bitterness. But it's a fact."
In response to a report in the journal Nature on the
speculation that he might resign, he said he was not
considering it. But when asked whether he would accept
a second four-year term as science adviser if Mr. Bush
is re-elected, he demurred. "I'm focused on this
term," Dr. Marburger said. "I haven't, honestly, given
a thought to what I would do next."
Dr. Charles M. Vest, president of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, said, "If I were seeking
science advice, I would be very glad to receive it
from Jack."
But even Dr. Vest, who said he did not believe that
the Bush administration was much different from others
in its use of science, cautioned against "a very
long-term trend toward selective use of scientific
information driven by a political and ideological
He added, "I think it's been going on for far too
Copyright 2004 The New York Times Company
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