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RE: Girl Scout/Boy Scout Badge



I heard an interview with an author of a book about this Boy Scout (The Radioactive Boy Scout) on NPR radio recently. He did get the Eagle Scout award although some tried to have that revoked. He also did go into the Nuclear Navy as a seaman on the nuclear-powered carrier Enterprise! He was not allowed to work anywhere near the reactors due to a possible internal exposure from his experiments (he refused to undergo dosimetry evaluation). A good technical summary of an article in Harpers is at:



The article with more background information (of particular interest is all the help he got from our "community") is at:



The interview with author Ken Silverstein can be heard on the NPR site at:



It is interesting to listen to given the recent comments about balance in public broadcasting. It seemed "balanced" to me.


Hobie Shackford, RSO (and Eagle Scout)

Roger Williams Hospital 

Providence, RI  




 -----Original Message-----


Remarkably, a geeky kid in Michigan years ago was working on this badge and went crazy with passion for it, he worked two years to create a chain reaction in his back yard tool shed and irradiated a whole city block. Needless to say he did not make eagle scout but finally got the authorities off his back by going in the Navy. I hope it wasnt the nuclear navy.

Scouting forever....

Ward Brunkow, EAgle scout.