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Rutgers University Short Courses in Radiation Science/Safety

Rutgers University Radiation Science/Safety Short Courses

A series of five one day courses on the science and safety related to ionizing radiation, ranging from the fundamentals of radiation and radioactivity to the management of radiation safety programs, will be offered at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, during the week beginning June 21, 2004.


The courses, in order of presentation, are: Fundamentals of Radioactivity (Monday 6/21/04); Radiation Detection and Measurement, Tuesday 6/22; Liquid Scintillation Analysis, Wednesday 6/23; Safe Handling of Radioactive Materials, Thursday 6/24 and Radiation Safety Program Management, Friday 6/25. They are designed for scientists, technical assistants, safety professionals, first responders and others who wish to learn the essential elements of radiation science and radiation safety.


The Series Director is Edward A. Christman, Ph.D., CHP.  Instructors include: Alan Appleby, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University; William Csaszar, NJ Department of Environmental Protection; Sue DuPre, Radiation Safety Officer (RSO), Princeton University; Michael Drzyzga, RSO, Hoffman LaRoche, Inc.,  John Kinneman (or an associate), US Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Patrick McDermott, University Health Physicist, Rutgers University  and Wesley Van Pelt, Ph.D, CHP, CIH, consultant.


Rutgers offers continuing education credits for these courses for certified industrial hygienists, health physicists and others.  To obtain additional information about the courses, brochures, travel information and reservations visit this web site: http://www.cookce.rutgers.edu/programs/public_health.html.  To speak to a person, call Kim Peterson at 732-445-2582.