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RE: Kerry on Yucca Mt. and politics

Kerry's (or Bush's) views on rad waste, Yucca Mountain, and their

general trustworthiness, at least as relates to these topics, are valid

Radsafe topics. General issues regarding the election may be discussed

in dozens of other forums, please. 

A couple of folks enlightened me on the silicosis issues regarding these

workers, thanks. I had not heard of any radiation-related illnesses

claims, which is what immediately came to mind in this context. 


Michael G. Stabin, PhD, CHP

Assistant Professor of Radiology and Radiological Sciences 

Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences 

Vanderbilt University 

1161 21st Avenue South

Nashville, TN 37232-2675 

Phone (615) 343-0068

Fax   (615) 322-3764

Pager (615) 835-5153

e-mail     michael.g.stabin@vanderbilt.edu 

internet   www.doseinfo-radar.com



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