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I am sure you have all noticed the number of worm intercepts that have been popping up on this list. At my home account (not currently linked to this list) I have been getting literally hundreds of SPAM emails a day. In an attempt to limit the quantity of SPAM when I switched over to a new account I did a Google search on my name to see if my address is out on the public web. One of the places that came up was the RADSAFE archives. Right at the top of my recent postings was my work email address as a bold blue link, which I am sure is as easily picked up by Spamer software as it was by Google. On another list server archive both my work and home addresses were available! One in the header and the other in the signature. 


I don't know if the archive access can be restricted and if it would make any difference since anyone can sign up to the list. I know that limited access is possible because one of the lists I belong to, MEDPHYS, has a confirmation email procedure for sign up (automatic I think) and a login required to search the archives. I assume there would, as a minimum, be a cost in Michael's time associated with such a procedure on RADSAFE, and I do not know how that could be covered (volunteers?). That is assuming the tools are available at Vanderbilt.


I did not think that I should be exposing my employer needlessly to SPAM that may be delivered through this RADSAFE loophole so I just opened this email account on Yahoo. Right now RADSAFE is the only place other than Yahoo that has this email address. I did not choose to make the address public on the Yahoo directory.


It should be interesting to see how much SPAM comes in. I'll let you know.


Hobie Shackford

Roger Williams Medical Center

Providence, RI

(no work email here)




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