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RE: H-3 production (follow up to C-14 production)
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-18.1-1999, "radioactive source term
for normal operation of light water reactors", shows the tritium
concentration in reactor coolant as 1.0E-02 uCi/g for BWRs and 1.0 uCi/g
for PWRs.
Unlike BWRs, PWRs use boric acid in the coolant as a form of reactivity
control. This produces tritium from B10(n,2a)T and B10(n,a)Li7(n,na)T
The pH of the PWR coolant is controlled by the addition of LiOH which
contains primarily Li7. This produces tritium by the Li7(n,na)T
NOTE: There are also B11 and Li6 reactions that produce T but these are
negligible contributors.
Franz Schoenhofer
PhD, MR iR
Habicherg. 31/7
A-1160 Vienna
phone -43-0699-1168-1319
Thanks for the calculations, how accurate or inaccurate they might be.
They confirm my comment, that production of C-14 (and tritium) is very
low in a reactor and therefore it is clear, that no elevations for those
radionuclides were found in precipitation and aerosols in Europe, not
even in the most affected countries, like Austria was. I know, what I am
talking about, because we have done the measurements in my laboratory
for Austria. Some laboratories reported elevated tritium values, but it
was found, that they misinterpreted I-131 contamination for tritium
and/or C-14.
I remember from a seminar a long time ago a comparison of C-14 and T in
different reactor types, found in the containment air. They were
significantly different in PWR and BWR, but I do not remember any
numbers. When I asked the presenter for the reason he said that he did
not know.
I do not believe, that the nitrogen and oxygen reactions are of much
importance - first of all, because there would not be nitrogen present,
secondly I wonder about the isotopic abundance of O-17.
Best regards,
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