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Suspects Were Building Smoke Detector Dirty Bomb
UK Terror Suspects Were Building Dirty Bomb - Time
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - British terror suspects arrested in August were
trying to construct a dirty bomb and planned to attack targets in London,
including the Heathrow Express airport rail line, Time magazine reported.
Senior U.S. law-enforcement officials told Time that according to reports
now circulating, the arrests turned up a cache of household smoke detectors
that the British suspect the group wanted to cannibalize for their minute
quantities of americium-241, a man-made radioactive chemical.
While some officials said it was extremely unlikely enough americium could
be harvested from smoke detectors to create a device strong enough to kill
people or create radiation sickness, others argued that releasing even a
small amount of radioactive material into a crowded stadium or subway
station could trigger sensitive radiation sensors, incite panic and cause
long-lasting contamination.
Information from computer files seized with the group revealed plans for
specific attacks in London including "blowing up high-rise buildings housing
multinational companies" by driving bomb-laden cars into underground
garages, Time said in a release on Sunday of material from its latest
Other targets included the Heathrow Express, a rail line between the airport
and London, and an unspecified synagogue. There were also plans for
"hijacking a gasoline tanker and smashing it into a building."
[Other plans included flying airplanes into reactor continment domes, but
that was ruled out in favor of dropping dimes from the top of the Empire
State Building onto unsuspecting pedestrians. - JH]
Time described the group as suspected Islamic terrorists and said cell
leader Dhiren Barot -- otherwise known as Issa al-Hindi -- traveled to New
York City in early 2001, according to the Sept. 11 Commission report, "to
case potential economic and 'Jewish' targets."
Among the evidence found with the suspects were reconnaissance reports on
major U.S. financial sites including the New York Stock Exchange (news - web
sites) and the World Bank (news - web sites) in Washington.
U.S. officials hope to learn from the continuing investigation whether a
sleeper cell remained in the United States to carry out these missions, Time
[What a bunch of looney terrorists. I wish they were all like that. Sure,
they'd scare the heck out of a lot of people, but beyond the initial blast
from the explosives, there would be little or no harm. I'd better start
stocking up on smoke detectors and camping lantern mantels before they
become controlled substances. - JH]
I've got a closet full of gas masks, Geiger counters, KI tablets, organic
veggies, and tinfoil hats.
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