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Re: LDR induces hematopoietic hormesis
Acute radiation of 7.5 rad, "optimum" below, does fit this human survivor data:
"The Breast Cancer Incidence Among Atomic Bomb Survivors (Land CE, McGregor DH)
from J Nat Ca Inst 1979 Jan;62(1) :17-21 Table 2:
"average tissue dose, rads Observed 109 Expected 127.8, p<0.00001"
"rads 1-9, O 34, E 42.3 [ > 25% of breast cancer prevented by this dose?]
rads 19-49, O 37, E 33 [ more breast cancer with this dose]
rads 50-99 O11, E 9.4 [ not much different]
rads 100-199 O 16, E 6.5 [much more breast cancer with over 100 rads acute]
rads >200 O 18, E 6.0
Acute 1- 50 rads, at one time, is much more convenient to give than over time, as in reinforcing steel for apartment houses or U ore under the bed.
I have not yet been able to locate the Thorium containing welding rods suggested by Kai Kaletsch. The KCL water softener in 3 - 40 lb bags has counted on my Palm Rad only about 0.5 rad/year (like Cameron's NSWorkers) - if I slept on them directly with no mattress.
Viva hormesis!
Howard Long
"Muckerheide, Jim (CDA)" <Jim.Muckerheide@state.ma.us> wrote:
This seems to further confirm the stimulatory effect producing beneficial
responses using LDR, from 25 to 100 mGy, with an optimum as found by Dr. Liu
at 75 mGy.
I do not have access to this journal. I would appreciate the original paper
if possible. And let me know if need a copy for review.
Thank you.
Regards, Jim Muckerheide
Exp Hematol. 2004 Nov;32(11):1088-96.
Low-dose radiation (LDR) induces hematopoietic hormesis: LDR-induced mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor
cells into peripheral blood circulation.
Li W, Wang G, Cui J, Xue L, Cai L.
Department of Hematology and Oncology in the First University Hospital.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the stimulating effect of
low-dose radiation (LDR) on bone marrow hematopoietic progenitor cell (HPC)
proliferation and peripheral blood mobilization.
METHODS: Mice were exposed to 25- to 100-mGy x-rays. Bone marrow and
peripheral blood HPCs (BFU-E, CFU-GM, and c-kit(+) cells) were measured, and
GM-CSF, G-CSF, and IL-3 protein and mRNA expression were detected using
ELISA, slot blot hybridization, and Northern blot methods. To functionally
evaluate LDR-stimulated and -mobilized HPCs, repopulation of peripheral blood
cells in lethally irradiated recipients after transplantation of LDR-treated
donor HPCs was examined by WBC counts, animal survival, and colony-forming
units in the recipient spleens (CFUs-S).
RESULTS: 75-mGy x-rays induced a maximal stimulation for bone marrow HPC
proliferation (CFU-GM and BFU-E formation) 48 hours postirradiation, along
with a significant increase in HPC mobilization into peripheral blood 48 to
72 hours postradiation, as shown by increases in CFU-GM formation and
proportion of c-kit(+) cells in the peripheral mononuclear cells. 75-mGy
x-rays also maximally induced increases in G-CSF and GM-CSF mRNA expression
in splenocytes and levels of serum GM-CSF. To define the critical role of
these hematopoietic-stimulating factors in HPC peripheral mobilization,
direct administration of G-CSF at a dose of 300 mug/kg/day or 150 mug/kg/day
was applied and found to significantly stimulate GM-CFU formation and
increase c-kit(+) cells in the peripheral mononuclear cells. More
importantly, 75-mGy x-rays plus 150 mug/kg/day G-CSF (LDR/150-G-CSF) produced
a similar effect to that of 300 mug/kg/day G-CSF alone. Furthermore, the
capability of LDR-mobilized donor HPCs to repopulate blood cells was
confirmed in lethally irradiated recipient mice by counting peripheral WBC
and CFUs-S.
CONCLUSION: These results suggest that LDR induces hematopoietic hormesis, as
demonstrated by HPC proliferation and peripheral mobilization, providing a
potential approach to clinical application for HPC peripheral mobilization.