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Re: Nuclear sub runs aground in Pacific
Not a good day. I was on the USS ORION in Charleson,
SC, when the USS Ray came back.
--- Fred Dawson <fd003f0606@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> USS San Francisco runs aground off Guam
> By: U.S. Pacific Fleet Public Affairs Office
> PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii - The Los Angeles class
> submarine USS San Francisco (SSN 711) ran aground
> while conducting submerged operations approximately
> 350 miles south of the island of Guam today.
> The incident occurred at approximately 4 p.m., Jan.
> 7, Hawaii Standard Time (12 noon, Jan. 8, 2005, Guam
> Time).
> The extent of the injuries and damage aboard San
> Francisco is still being assessed, but includes one
> critical injury and several other lesser injuries.
> The submarine is on the surface and is making best
> speed back to their homeport in Guam. There were no
> reports of damage to the reactor plant which is
> operating normally.
> Military and Coast Guard aircraft are enroute to
> monitor and assist in the situation. Further
> releases and announcements will be made as
> information becomes available.
> For further updates and information, please contact
> the U.S. Pacific Fleet Public Affairs Office at
> (808) 471-3769
> Fred Dawson UK
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