[ RadSafe ] ANSI Standards for Portals, Meters and Dosimetry.

DSnowder at aol.com DSnowder at aol.com
Sun Apr 3 01:43:31 CEST 2005

The instrument performance results were available on the DOE  Health Physics 
Instrument Committee (HPIC) web page for several years  from 1994 to 1999. The 
web site management was taken over by the ORNL folks and  perhaps another DOE 
Lab later on. I do not know what happened to the web  page after my departure 
from working as a DOE Contractor. However, I  did retain copies of most of 
those results in hard copy and electronic form  and would be glad to provide 
them on request.   
Dale Snowder
Qal-Tek Associates
(208) 523-5557  

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