[ RadSafe ] Re: Nukes are Green

Dimiter Popoff didi at tgi-sci.com
Tue Apr 12 19:21:44 CEST 2005

> ... trust their work?  If not, why not?

Because of the weather.... :-) 

Do you have a particular study in mind which I should trust?

Or do you trust the media who tell you there is a number
of studies which are to be trusted?

I personally tend to trust my own senses...
(and the thermometer I have outside).

> If nuclear engineers and regulatory agencies say
> nuclear power is safe, do you believe them?  If not,
> why not?

Oh it obviously is safe enough, has done a good job for decades
now. If humans misuse it is their fault, not of the technology.
Kitchen knives can be a deadly weapon, why not take into
preventive custody everyone who posesses one.


Dimiter Popoff               Transgalactic Instruments

> Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 09:15:52 -0700 (PDT)
> From: John Jacobus <crispy_bird at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Re: Nukes are Green
> To: Dimiter Popoff <didi at tgi-sci.com>, Jerry Cohen <jjcohen at prodigy.net>,
>   radsafe at radlab.nl
> I guess the question is if scientist trained in
> climatology and geophysics believe it is occurring, do
> you trust their work?  If not, why not?
> If nuclear engineers and regulatory agencies say
> nuclear power is safe, do you believe them?  If not,
> why not?
> --- Dimiter Popoff <didi at tgi-sci.com> wrote:
> > We have come to a point where the vast disagreement
> > between reality and its
> > media presentation is unlikely to be overcome
> > without a major crisis.
> > "Global warming" has been repeated so many times
> > that there is
> > barely a soul who would question it, no matter what
> > we see when
> > we look through the window (looks more like a coming
> > ice age to me).
> > Nuclear has been a swear word for decades, just
> > watch them turn it
> > within less than a month or two if they really want
> > to (whoever 
> > are those /is that in control of the media, and
> > please save me 
> > the talk of having free speech etc.).
> > 
> > Of course I am against any sort of lies, too. The
> > real question is
> > whether there is anything we can do about it, I wish
> > I had
> > a solution to offer...
> > 
> > Dimiter
> > 
> > . . .
> +++++++++++++++++++
> "Embarrassed, obscure and feeble sentences are generally, if not always, the result of embarrasse
> Hugh Blair, 1783
> -- John
> John Jacobus, MS
> Certified Health Physicist
> e-mail:  crispy_bird at yahoo.com

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