[ RadSafe ] A question

Carl Paperiello CJP1 at nrc.gov
Wed Apr 13 15:40:16 CEST 2005

Please remove me from this web site.  

>>> <LNMolino at aol.com> 4/12/2005 7:16:25 PM >>>
Does anyone  on RADSAFE know of an Attorney from California named Tim Riley 
or his wife  Hayden?
They are  Anti-LNG development but their tactics are very Anti-Nuke like. 
I was  wondering if they had ever been involved in the  Anti-Nuke world?
Off list  replies are OK if you prefer that method.
Louis N.  Molino, Sr., CET
LNMolino at aol.com 
979-690-3607  (Home Office)
979-690-7550 (IFW Office)
979-412-0890 (Cell  Phone)
979-690-7562 (IFW Fax)

"A Texan with a Jersey  Attitude"

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