[ RadSafe ] SPECT/CT survey

John Jacobus crispy_bird at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 13 18:20:55 CET 2005

We currently have a single PET/CT scanner, and four
SPECT cameras.  All of our SPECT images are fused to
separate CT scanners.  

Personally, I think that if you are looking at very
big cost issues here as well as a number on technical
issues involved with such a seclection.  What are you
currently doing now?  How will your patient load
change if you get a SPECT/CT system, e.g., how will
your "put-through" rate change?  Will you need to hire
technologists what can do both SPECT and CT?

--- michael olex <molex77 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I wanted to post a survey to the hospital based
> radsafe members.  
> Does anyone have a SPECT/CT?  We're trying to
> determine the quanity of facilities that have one
> since we're talking about upgrading and putting one
> in
> place of a standard dual head SPECT system.  
> Thanks,
> Mike Olex
> =====
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-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail:  crispy_bird at yahoo.com

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