[ RadSafe ] RefL US Government Charging for Radiation Safety
RuthWeiner at aol.com
RuthWeiner at aol.com
Tue Feb 15 04:57:08 CET 2005
Re RSCC: Apparently some universities have site licenses for MCNP. I don't
know how ithatworks.
Re NRC: As with DOE, it's usually a contractor who develops the code
(RADTRAN was developed by Sandia originally for NRC, for example. It is still
maintained and developed at Sandia. but is now funded by DOE). If the funding
stops, development and maintenance stop also -- I have tried to get exeucutables
of Los Alamos codes, only to be told that they aren't funded any more and so
are not available.
This is really a problem of Congressional and Administration funding. If
Congress were convinced that continuing to maintain and develop certain software
packages was a good thing, they might see to it.
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