[ RadSafe ] we remain our own worse enemy

Sandy Perle sandyfl at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 18 23:32:06 CET 2005

I continue to believe that the nuclear industry itself, is our own 
worse enemy. We really don't need to the be concerned with the fringe 
lunatics who banter various dose figures and risk indices around, 
when our own industry continues to fall over itself in striving to 
lower allowable dose, administratively or otherwise, by establishing 
even lower average man-rem goals, year after year after year. When 
our own industry touts lowering dose well below regulatory limits, 
how can we argue with those who are opposed to the nuclear option, 
and are proponents of even lower doses to workers? We continue to 
shoot ourselves in the foot, every step we take.

The following is from a news article I just provided to the news 
list. Even West Valley uses the term "overexposed" workers. They 
might have exceeded an administrative limit, set arbitrarily low, but 
overexposed? Overexposed to what .. what standard and to what effect!

"An independent report sought by West Valley Nuclear Services Co., 
the site contractor, indicated the overexposed workers received doses 
of 315 and 169 millirems of radiation. That compares to the 360 
millirems that the average American absorbs in a year from things  
like X-rays and the sun."

Semantics is important. More important is rational thinking. I see no 
rational thinking and obviously poor semantics used in our industries 
own publications.

Wake up industry. The precedent you set may be your last!

Sandy Perle
Senior Vice President, Technical Operations
Global Dosimetry Solutions, Inc.
2652 McGaw Avenue
Irvine, CA 92614 

Tel: (949) 296-2306 / (888) 437-1714  Extension 2306
Fax:(949) 296-1902 

E-Mail: sperle at dosimetry.com
E-Mail: sandyfl at earthlink.net 

Global Dosimetry Website: http://www.dosimetry.com/ 
Personal Website: http://sandy-travels.com/ 

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