[ RadSafe ] we remain our own worse enemy

bobcherry at cox.net bobcherry at cox.net
Fri Feb 18 23:50:22 CET 2005

When the training for every soldier about depleted uranium was in development, its original title coming out of the Chemical School was "DU Hazard Awareness." When I first heard this, I, as Army RSO, immediately required the title to be changed to "DU Awareness."

Words are important, as Sandy says.

Bob C
> From: "Sandy Perle" <sandyfl at earthlink.net>
> Date: 2005/02/18 Fri PM 05:32:06 EST
> To: radsafe at radlab.nl
> Subject: [ RadSafe ] we remain our own worse enemy
> > 
> The following is from a news article I just provided to the news 
> list. Even West Valley uses the term "overexposed" workers. They 
> might have exceeded an administrative limit, set arbitrarily low, but 
> overexposed? Overexposed to what .. what standard and to what effect!
> "An independent report sought by West Valley Nuclear Services Co., 
> the site contractor, indicated the overexposed workers received doses 
> of 315 and 169 millirems of radiation. That compares to the 360 
> millirems that the average American absorbs in a year from things  
> like X-rays and the sun."
> Semantics is important. More important is rational thinking. I see no 
> rational thinking and obviously poor semantics used in our industries 
> own publications.
> Wake up industry. The precedent you set may be your last!
> -------------------------------------
> Sandy Perle
> Senior Vice President, Technical Operations
> Global Dosimetry Solutions, Inc.
> 2652 McGaw Avenue
> Irvine, CA 92614 
> Tel: (949) 296-2306 / (888) 437-1714  Extension 2306
> Fax:(949) 296-1902 
> E-Mail: sperle at dosimetry.com
> E-Mail: sandyfl at earthlink.net 
> Global Dosimetry Website: http://www.dosimetry.com/ 
> Personal Website: http://sandy-travels.com/ 
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