[ RadSafe ] RadSafe rules (both general as technical)

Marcel Schouwenburg m.schouwenburg at iri.tudelft.nl
Mon Feb 21 16:54:20 CET 2005

Dear RadSafers,

My first two weeks as moderator of the RadSafe mailinglist have passed 
now. They were quite hectic as I look back. Setting up the listserver, 
finetuning the software and, unfortunately, some rough time on the list. 
I'm glad that everything has come to a rest again now. The server and 
the software are working properly and I'm looking forward to moderate 
this list and expanding it.

However, I will avoid the rough times that recently occured on the list. 
Especially with my intention to expand the list and include more members 
from other parts of the world. I want (potential) new members, and any 
other member, to have a feeling of being part of a pleasant professional 
community where anything related to radiation safety (health physics) 
can be discussed. Members should not feel reluctant posting a message to 
the list and being scared of a potential personal flaming arising from 
his/her posting. Definitely, I want to avoid members unsubscribing from 
the list because of any flaming going on. I'm confident we, as members 
of the RadSafe community, can accomplish this. However, like any other 
community,  RadSafe needs (some) rules. Basically, they are no different 
than the rules applied by the fomer moderator Michael Stabin. I will 
present them below. Besides this, they will be published on the general 
information page of RadSafe.

[Version February 2005] Subject to change when applicable, but with 
prior notice.

General rules

Some of the rules are adapted from the 10 commandments of email 
(recently referred to by a RadSafe member).

- The list is open to all points of view on radiation protection issues.
- The language used on the list is English.
- Include a clear and specific subject line.
- Edit any quoted text down to the minimum.
- Read your own message three times before you post it to RadSafe.
- When posting to the list include your full name and, if applicable, 
address, professional details, etc.
- Do not curse, flame, spam or USE ALL CAPS.
- (At least) Try to ponder how recipients might react to your message.
- Check spelling and grammar. However, since RadSafe is an international 
list, please understand that a large group of members are non-native 
English speakers (like the moderator), so don't be to harsh on this.
- When in doubt, save your message overnight and reread it in the light 
of dawn.
- Do not forward any chain letter.
- Do not use the list for any illegal or unethical purpose.
- That which you find hateful to receive, do not send out to the list.
- Commercial postings and advertisements are not allowed.
- Job postings will be accepted (both seeking and advertising).
- "Not for profit" groups are allowed to advertise, i.e. training 
courses, etc. that are paid for.

Technical rules and aspects

- RadSafe is a closed list. Posting is only possible by members. Posting 
by non-members will be moderated by me and, when rejected, send back to 
the poster accompanied by a reason for the rejection.
- Only plain text messages will be accepted by the list. Any code (HTML, 
ect) will be filtered out.
- Attachments are not allowed because of security reasons, except 
PDF-files. Also images, whatever format, will be filtered out.
- The maximum message size is 25 kB. Larger messages should be split up 
in multiple parts. Include a number in the subjectline of every part 
(e.g. 2/3).
- If you want to reply to the list you should use the option Reply All 
in your mail program. When using Reply the mail will only be sent to the 
original sender of the message.
- Do not use BCC to sent a message to RadSafe (this is an implicit 
address). Only To and CC are allowed (explicit addresses) when sending a 
message to RadSafe.
- If a message from RadSafe is bounced from your email address for more 
than 5 times, your subscription will be temporary suspended.
- Once a month a password reminder is sent to every listmember. Using 
this password, you can change settings of your subscription on your 
personal memberpage. For example: you can choose to hold your 
subscription for a while in case of a holiday or change to receive 
digest versions in stead of separate messages.
- Digest versions can be received in either MIME or plain text format 
(that is all messages in one big text file). Default for new members is 
plain text.
- Out of the office messages will be filtered out.
- When referring to a document, program, etc. include the link to this 
file whenever possible.
- If necessary, I will provide storage space on the radlab.nl server for 
big files, documents, etc. that might be of interest to listmembers. 
Copyrighted material is excluded. I will take into consideration all 
requests for storage on the server. However, only material related to 
RadSafe matters will be allowed.

I hope these rules are clear and acceptable to everyone. However, please 
don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or remarks.

With kind regards,

Marcel Schouwenburg - RadSafe moderator and listowner
Head Training Center Delft
National Center for Radiation Protection (Dutch abbr. NCSV)

Faculty of Applied Sciences / Reactor Institute Delft
Delft University of Technology
Mekelweg 15
NL - 2629 JB  DELFT
The Netherlands
Phone +31 (0)15 27 86575
Fax     +31 (0)15 27 81717
email   m.schouwenburg op iri.tudelft.nl

More information about the radsafe mailing list