[ RadSafe ] Re: Understanding negligible dose
Brodsky, Allen
ALLEN.BRODSKY at saic.com
Wed Feb 23 22:17:34 CET 2005
By the way, I testified that the term "Below Regulatory Concern" was not the
best way to go. They should have said "Levels Above Which Regulatory
Requirements are Needed." This way, you do not say you are "not concerned"
about anything. One shows an infinitesimal concern in looking at the level
and deciding there is no risk. But I was ignored as usual. Allen
-----Original Message-----
From: jjcohen [mailto:jjcohen at prodigy.net]
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 4:10 PM
To: dckosloff at firstenergycorp.com
Cc: Albrodsky at aol.com; Brodsky, Allen; radsafe at radlab.nl;
radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl; sandyfl at earthlink.net; vargo at physicist.net
Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Re: Understanding negligible dose
I am aware that the events of the time are essentially as you describe them
to be.
However, I believe that if a staunch majority in the Congress had supported
it would be official policy today. The few who supported BRC received little
, if any,
political support. Where was the ANS and nuclear industry at the time? How
the HPS? Groups who should have enthusiastically supported BRC
seemed to be hard to find at the time. In the famous words of Pogo, "We have
met the enemy and he is us"
----- Original Message -----
From: <dckosloff at firstenergycorp.com>
To: jjcohen <jjcohen at prodigy.net>
Cc: <Albrodsky at aol.com>; Brodsky, Allen <ALLEN.BRODSKY at saic.com>;
<radsafe at radlab.nl>; <radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl>; <sandyfl at earthlink.net>;
<vargo at physicist.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Re: Understanding negligible dose
> Mr. Cohen,
> The NRC understood BRC and pushed the issue until Congress ordered them to
> stop. There were even clear and well-written NRC booklets available for
> members of the public. Any functionally literate, unbiased person who
> the booklet would not have oppessed BRC.
> Even some (mostly) honest congressmen understood the issue. That is why
> they initially passed a law that required the NRC to push implementation
> the BRC regulations. Then the grotesquely dishonest "public interest"
> groups, the fraudulent press and some of the dishonest congressmen took
> public control of the issue and shoved it up the NRC's opening that
> Congressmen and "news" story tellers generally can't tell from a hole in
> the ground.
> The industry left the NRC writhing on the ground while "America's only
> criminal class" (Mark Twain) kicked them mercilessly. That is
> understandable, since any half-way intelligent business operator knows
> it never pays to get between a regulatory agency and a hypocritical pack
> elected public officials.
> Don Kosloff, Nuclear Prostel...(oh, whatever)
> Perry OH & Shippingport PA
> "jjcohen"
> <jjcohen at prodigy. To: "Brodsky, Allen"
<ALLEN.BRODSKY at saic.com>, <sandyfl at earthlink.net>
> net> cc:
"allen.brodsky at saic.com" <ALLEN.BRODSKY at saic.com>, Albrodsky at aol.com,
> Sent by: radsafe at radlab.nl,
vargo at physicist.net
> radsafe-bounces at r Subject: [ RadSafe ] Re:
Understanding negligible dose
> adlab.nl
> 02/23/2005 01:26
> PM
> Allen et al,
> Perhaps you may recall the BRC (below regulatory concern)
> in the 1990,s.
> My question is this: If we can't get the Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
> the U.S. Congress
> to understand negligible radiation exposures, how can we give such
> understanding to
> the general public ???? Jerry
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