[ RadSafe ] Germany to compensate 500 ex-soldiers who
developedcancer after radiation exposure
Fred Dawson
fd003f0606 at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Jul 1 18:44:06 CEST 2005
Any system where you accelerate charge particles such TWT or magnetrons used
in radars has the potential to generate X-rays and if not properly shielded
cause operator exposure to ionising radiation
The UK Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 reflect this
" In this paragraph, "radiation generator" means any electrical equipment
emitting ionising radiation and containing components operating at a
potential difference of more than 5kV.".
Fred Dawson
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Atkinson" <robert.atkinson at genetix.com>
To: "Franta, Jaroslav" <frantaj at aecl.ca>; "radsafe" <radsafe at radlab.nl>
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 12:06 PM
Subject: RE: [ RadSafe ] Germany to compensate 500 ex-soldiers who
developedcancer after radiation exposure
It's not clear from the report if the cause was ionising or non-ionising
radiation. DU is not used in radar sets as far as I know, but other isotopes
typically are. These include Kr85, Ni63, Cs137 and Ra226 in voltage
regulator and T/R tubes (valves) to maintain a small level of ionisation, H3
and Ra226 for control illumination and Uranium glass in glass to metal seals
in high power tubes.
They can also have a lot of toxins including lead, beryllium (metal and
oxide) cadmium and PCB's (not the circuit board!).
Robert Atkinson
-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl [mailto:radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl] On Behalf
Of Franta, Jaroslav
Sent: 30 June 2005 18:47
To: radsafe
Subject: RE: [ RadSafe ] Germany to compensate 500 ex-soldiers who developed
cancer after radiation exposure
German soldiers and their families have long sought damages for
illnesses such as leukemia and testicular cancer that they believe is
the result of poor protection against radiation from radar equipment.
Soooo.... was this radar equipment made of DU, or what ?
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