[ RadSafe ] [Fwd: Celebrating The World Year of Physics]
bobcherry at cox.net
bobcherry at cox.net
Wed Mar 2 16:20:04 CET 2005
Shouldn't the health physics community be observing The World Year of Physics in some fashion?
Bob C
> From: sps at aip.org
> Date: 2005/03/02 Wed AM 09:30:36 EST
> To: bobcherry at COX.NET
> Subject: Celebrating The World Year of Physics
> Greetings Sigma Pi Sigma members, and Happy World Year of Physics!
> ... we are all celebrating this year: major physics societies and publications, the US Congress and even the United Nations have all declared 2005 the International/World Year of Physics in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Einstein's miraculous year of physics discoveries in 1905.
> Are you looking for ways to get involved? See the luxurious list of ideas below or go to www.physics2005.org .
> This is the third ever email to members of Sigma Pi Sigma, the physics honor society, and I thought I would highlight a few items revolving around this year's celebration of the World Year of Physics---here's the capsule version
> 1) Sigma Pi Sigma 2004 Congress reports
> 2) Free WYP2005 lapel pins for SPS sponsors
> 3) Purchase a WYP2005 Promotional Kit for any event
> 4) WYP Top Ten list
> 5) Reading endurance bonus
> 6) Summer job clearinghouse for students
> and the longer version follows. Take care, Gary
> If you no long wish to receive this mailing, please send an email to sigma at aip.org with the word 'REMOVE' in the SUBJECT line.
> 1) Sigma Pi Sigma Congress kicks off World Year of Physics (http://www.sigmapisigma.org/congress.htm )
> and draws largest numbers ever! Send a link to your friends to let them know:
> a) Ethics recommendations put forward, see http://www.sigmapisigma.org/ethics.htm
> b) Trinity site visit attracts 200, see photos http://www.sigmapisigma.org/congress/index.htm
> c) Students report on exciting plenary talks http://www.sigmapisigma.org/congress_reports.htm
> d) Abstracts from the meeting are available http://www.sigmapisigma.org/abstracts.htm
> 2) Help us find more physics students to join in the celebration and we'll send you a commemorative WYP 2005 lapel pin. Here's how it works: Lead a student to the Society of Physics Students membership website at http://www..spsnational.org/info/membership.htm; if they join as new members and indicate that you referred them, then we'll send you a WYP 2005 lapel pin with the 'hourglass' logo. Forgotten the difference between Sigma Pi Sigma and The Society of Physics Students (SPS)? They're 'linked, but distinct', as I like to say; see the blurb at the bottom of this message for more info about the two organizations.
> 3) If you are part of a group that is hosting a World Year of Physics event, how about getting a WYP 2005 promotional kit?
> You can get the standard kit with pins, magazines, balloons, glasses and posters for $35, or you can purchase individual items as you require. These items work great as door prizes, science awards for graduates, or fun give-away items for volunteers at demo shows or at formal events. Go to http://www.spsnational.org/societynews/2005WYP_shirts.htm
> or contact the SPS office at 301-209-3007, sps at aip.org for more details.
> 4) Top ten ideas for celebrating the World Year of Physics:
> a) Host an Einstein Birthday Party on 3/14, aka Pi-Day (3.14 ~ Pi, get it?).
> b) Put the website in your email salutations... www.physics2005.org
> c) Display a home-made Einstein caricature in your favorite lunchroom or library.
> d) Conduct a local science demonstration event in a local school or mall.
> e) Help get the word out about the International Poster Competition for ages 10-16, go to http://www.scienceacross.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=content.showcontent&node=374
> f) Go shopping for WYP T-shirts, cool multi-LED pens, etc. Email us at sps at aip.org or see http://www.spsnational.org/societynews/2005WYP_shirts.htm
> g) Identify potential new physicists with the US Physics Talent Search, http://www.physics2005.org/events/talentsearch/index.html
> h) Post an event on the official WYP website, http://www.physics2005.org/cgi-bin/wyp.cgi?ID=2000
> i) Detect gravity waves; sign up for Einstein at Home; see http://www.physics2005.org/events/einsteinathome/index.html for details.
> and last but not least:
> j) Enlighten your community with "Physics Enlighten the World" on April 18, 2005. Physics enlightens the world----A relay of darkness and light, circling the globe in one night, uniting all countries under the banner of physics.-----Contact persons: Max E. Lippitsch and Sonja Draxler
> A world-wide action, maybe worth an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records, will in true sense form a highlight of the World Year of Physics.In the evening of April 18, 2005 lights are switched off in Princeton, NJ, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Einstein's death. A light emerges, forming the seed for a grand optical relay. The flash of darkness and light wanders across the country, transgresses boundaries, spans a continent, leaps across the seas, spreads over hemispheres and eventually embraces the whole globe, uniting all nations by the enlightening power of physics. Register at http://www.wyp2005.at/glob1-light.htm
> 5) If you're still reading after all this, I have a reward for you! We've got a few extra SPS 2005 calendar and Einstein posters---if you want one just reply to this email indicating whether you want a calendar poster or an Einstein poster, and I'll send them out until they run out!
> 6) Summer science opportunities for undergraduates are on The Nucleus! Go to www.compadre.org/student
> If you know an opportunity that needs to be posted, contact us at sps at aip.org
> SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma have been contributing to the physics part of the National Science Digital Library (www.ComPADRE.org), offering prizes for participants, providing focus groups, editorial services, and critiques, as well as providing many of its users. Many in the scientific community are begininning to notice that a student organization like SPS has much to offer the rest of the professional community beyond merely future society members, and SPS is serving as a role model in this regard. If you haven't seen 'The Nucleus' go check it out, and find out what it's all about.
> SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma, linked but distinct:
> SPS is the Society of Physics Students, the professional society for physics students and their mentors. With over 4500 members in over 700 chapters on college campuses, SPS provides opportunities for physics students across the nation, including research awards, outreach programs, scholarships, and travel awards. The SPS website (at www.spsnational.org) provides information and applications for these opportunities, as well as other physics contacts, society news, hot science, physics career information, and the lighter side of physics. SPS membership is $20 per year and undergraduate members receive Physics Today magazine as well as the opportunity to become part of one of 10 other physics professional societies through the joint membership program. About 500 of the 700 SPS chapters also have Sigma Pi Sigma chapter on campus.
> Sigma Pi Sigma (www.sigmapisigma.org) is the national physics honor society, with chapters in about 500 of the 700 SPS campuses. Members, usually upper level undergraduates but sometimes graduate students, alumni, and faculty, are elected into Sigma Pi Sigma based on academic record. About 37,000 members of Sigma Pi Sigma receive Radiations, the society's official publication, twice per year. Sigma Pi Sigma members pay one-time dues ($25 if already a member of Society of Physics Students; $45, if not) upon their reception into the society, and many of them choose to support SPS programs, scholarships, and awards through annual donations made to the society. The society hosts a Congress every four years; the most recent Sigma Pi Sigma Congress was held Albuquerque in October, 2004, and served as a kick-off event for the 2005 World Year of Physics celebration. Details about how an SPS chapter can be expanded to include a Sigma Pi Sigma chapter are included in the SPS/Sigma Pi Sigma Information Handbook sent out the SPS chapter advisors each year, or by contacting the national office at sps at aip.org.
> Take care, Gary
> Gary White
> Director, Sigma Pi Sigma and Society of Physics Students
> Assistant Director of Education
> American Institute of Physics
> One Physics Ellipse
> College Park, MD 20740
> 301-209-3007
> FAX: 301-209-0839
> Acct# 60016914
> ****************************************
> Gary White
> Director, Sigma Pi Sigma and Society of Physics Students
> Assistant Director of Education
> American Institute of Physics
> One Physics Ellipse
> College Park, MD 20740
> 301-209-3007
> FAX: 301-209-0839
> Acct# CH557429
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