[ RadSafe ] Unidentified Helicopters Nearly Fired UponOver
Nuclear Power PlantBy
jjcohen at prodigy.net
Sat Mar 12 23:02:52 CET 2005
Richard asks an excellent question! Why are we so concerned regarding
aircraft crashing into
nuclear plants? Of coarse we don't want them crashing anywhere, but why the
special concern
with nuclear facilities? I realize this concern is a good thing for people
in the security business, but
how does it benefit the rest of us?
----- Original Message -----
From: Richard L. Hess <lists at richardhess.com>
To: J. Marshall Reber <jmarshall.reber at comcast.net>; Gerry Blackwood
<gpblackwood at sbcglobal.net>
Cc: Rad Safe <radsafe at radlab.nl>
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2005 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Unidentified Helicopters Nearly Fired UponOver
Nuclear Power PlantBy
> At 03:18 PM 3/12/2005, J. Marshall Reber wrote:
> >Is this for real? All a saboteur needs to do is paint their helicopter
> >look like a State Police one? Wow, that seems too easy! Maybe the power
> >plant needs to re-examine their security?
> On the other hand, we've heard on this list that we should not worry about
> a plane flying into a power plant. So why the extreme concern about a
> helicopter?
> I think that the security folks made the right choice based on what I've
> learned here about the safety of containment vessels.
> We can't live in a shoot-and-ask-questions later society.
> Richard
> Richard L. Hess email: richard at richardhess.com
> Vignettes Media web:
> Aurora, Ontario, Canada
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