[ RadSafe ] Unidentified Helicopters Nearly Fired UponOver Nuclear Power ...

LNMolino at aol.com LNMolino at aol.com
Sun Mar 13 21:09:11 CET 2005

In a message dated 3/13/2005 2:02:19 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
crispy_bird at yahoo.com writes:

I will  disagree. Police are to yell "Halt" before they can discharge their 
weapons  and kill someone. If our security forces are willing to shoot first, 
how many  innocent lives will be lost?  As a people, are we willing to accept  
this type of society?

If the officer feels that his life or the life of another is in IMMENET  
DANGER they can and will use deadly force. Leveling a gun on a person meets this  
charge as does racing a car at them at speed etc. it has and will happen in 
the  US.
Louis N.  Molino, Sr., CET
LNMolino at aol.com
979-690-3607  (Home Office)
979-412-0890 (Cell Phone)

"A Texan with a Jersey  Attitude"

The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the  author and the 
author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person or  
organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or associated with unless  I 
specifically state that I am doing so. Further this E-mail is intended only  for its 
stated recipient and may contain private and or confidential materials  
retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain by the  
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