[ RadSafe ] Non Ionizing Radiation
joseph.greco at kodak.com
joseph.greco at kodak.com
Wed May 4 14:50:08 CEST 2005
Try Narda in New York or Holaday Instruments (now called ETS Lindgren) in
Cedar Park Texas, USA. You will need several instruments and probes to
cover the frequency range you list below. Feel free to contact me for
further info.
Joseph M. Greco, CHP
Radiation/Laser Safety Officer
Eastman Kodak Company
Rochester NY 14652-6261
voice: 585-588-3324
fax: 585-588-0825
email: joseph.greco at kodak.com
motto: "illegitimi non carborundum"
<srebro at bgumail. To: <radsafe at radlab.nl>
bgu.ac.il> cc:
Sent by: Subject: [ RadSafe ] Non Ionizing Radiation
05/04/2005 02:48
My university wants to buy instruments to measure magnetic and electric
fields from 50 Hz to 3 GHz.
I'm looking for recommendations on such instruments.
Rafi Srebro
RSO Ben-Gurion University
Beer-Sheva ISRAEL
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