[ RadSafe ] Re: uranium trioxide gas exposure patterns (was:...RE:Gardner Sellafield cluster)

Maury Siskel maurysis at ev1.net
Sat May 7 04:53:51 CEST 2005

James, your claims are such that disagreement is similar to arguing with 
Rokke, Sternglass, Norman, or Bertell. It is very difficult to avoid 
taking issue with your comments. So far, however, the evidence is just 
not worth the serious effort to refute it carefully. There are more 
worthwhile conflicts, IMO  ...  Enjoy your windmills.
Maury&Dog    (Maury Siskel  maurysis at ev1.net)

James Salsman wrote:

> Jaro Franta wrote:
>> ... Balkan veterans experiencing "very high leukemia rates" is
>> utter nonsense:  several nations who had troops in the Balkans  
>> conducted detailed medical surveys and dismissed any such claims....
> I wrote, "starting around 2001" -- I believe all the reports
> referred to here were concluded by 2001.  Is that not the case?
> Anyway, I should refer to all cancers, instead of just leukemia,
> in order for the statement to be incontrovertibly true, at least

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