[ RadSafe ] Re: uranium trioxide gas exposure
patterns(was:...RE:Gardner Sellafield cluster)
Muckerheide, James
jimm at WPI.EDU
Sat May 7 05:22:58 CEST 2005
Note of course that since the Manhattan Project research on low doses,
inhalation and ingestion of uranium (and other radioactive) compounds caused
extended lifespan in research animals. This was shown again for uranium in
research in Canada done for the government by Ron Mitchel and co-workers.
Regards, Jim Muckerheide
-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl on behalf of James Salsman
Sent: Fri 5/6/2005 11:00 PM
To: Ivor Surveyor
Cc: radsafe at radlab.nl
Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Re: uranium trioxide gas exposure
patterns(was:...RE:Gardner Sellafield cluster)
Ivor Surveyor wrote:
>... I suggest that the balance of judgement is
> against a causal role for DU in human disease.
Are there any alternative hypotheses remaining?
I understand from a Pentagon official that vaccines,
oil well fire fumes, nerve gas antidotes, and stress
have all been ruled out. All but stress was ruled
out are early as 2000, according to one report, but
then some of them were announced as if they had not
been. Then stress was announces as having been ruled
out this year.
What can explain the chromosome damage, which
uranium does to rats? Q. Hu and S. Zhu, "Induction
of chromosomal aberrations in male mouse germ cells
by uranyl fluoride containing enriched uranium,"
Mutation Research, vol. 244 (1990) pp. 209-214.
If the chromosome damage can be attributed to
uranium contamination, then why not the congenital
James Salsman
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