[ RadSafe ] Re: Selective ventilation

jjcohen jjcohen at prodigy.net
Tue May 24 23:00:26 CEST 2005

Dear Maury,
    A second review of your message brings out further knowledge. I knew
EPA information that radon was deadly, but was not aware that it was also
I  thought that plutonium was the only evil element (from a 1968 statement
the National Council of Churches).  It might help  if you
could provide us with a complete list of  the evil elements . Would
Oxygen be on that list? I understand that prolonged exposure to high
of oxygen can be fatal. Also, there is an inverse correlation between
(i.e. lower oxygen tension) and cancer incidence. Shouldn't EPA require
programs to control oxygen exposure?
We need the  sound guidance that comes from you and your canine friend.

----- Original Message -----
From: Maury Siskel <maurysis at ev1.net>
To: jjcohen <jjcohen at prodigy.net>
Cc: Kai Kaletsch <eic at shaw.ca>; radsafe <radsafe at radlab.nl>
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Re: Selective ventilation

> Dear Jerry,
> Smoke is widely known for its aromatic and romantic characteristics. It
> wafts gently through the air affording  one a pleasing atmosphere as it
> floats about and gradually dissipates through the open windows. On the
> other hand, radon is possessed of completely different characteristics.
> Having been devised by EPA for entirely nefarious, imperial purposes,
> radon is sneaky and evil; radon seeks out dark enclosed spaces and
> avoids open windows like the plague. After having done away with DDT,
> EPA needed a replacement which is why radon was crafted and turned loose
> to multiply in the deep, dark, dampness (DDD) of basements frequented by
> few human beings. And this is how ventilation lets out the smoke, but
> not the black-hearted radon.  Black-hearted aromas are heavier than air
> and thus hover in DDD basements while light-hearted smoke and incense is
> lighter than air and thus seeks the bright sunny open air (and lungs
> susceptible to cancer). Radon repels the smoke and thus does afford some
> immunity to cancer. Now you know the technical details ....
> Cheers,
> Maury&Dog  (Dog disclaims any responsibility for this foolishness)
> Maury Siskel   maurysis at ev1.net
> ======================
> jjcohen wrote:
> >Given an indoor atmosphere containing both radon and smoke, how would
opening windows, or any other form of ventilation  mitigate one but not the
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: Kai Kaletsch <eic at shaw.ca>
> >To: jjcohen <jjcohen at prodigy.net>; radsafe <radsafe at radlab.nl>
> >Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 5:52 AM
> >Subject: Re: [RadSafe] Residential radon
> >
> -------------  snipped  ----------

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