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Re: RADSAFE digest 23
Does anyone have any information which would suggest that is preferable
to wear ring badges with the sensitive portion turned in any particular
We had an NRC inspector give a violation because nuclear medicine
technologists were wearing the badges with the film toward the back
(posterior) of the hand.
I am looking for quantitative information not opinion.
David Adcock
University of South Carolina
David, I'm afraid all you're going to get are opinions. You're asking for
information that would "suggest" a preference. Obviously, it would be advisable to
wear the finger ring turned inwards if you were interested in obtaining a
conservative reading of the dose to the palm of the hand from handling of a source.
However, if you're interested in monitoring dose to the hand from and x-ray
machine, it might be more interesting to have the ring facing out. (see NCRP #59,
_Operational Radiation Safety Program_, Chapter 5). NRCP recommends that
monitoring devices _should_ be worn on the part of the body likely to receive the
greatest proportion of its maximum permissible dose equivalent. I suppose this
suggestion can be stretched to imply that a finger monitor should be turned toward
the inside of the hand, but it seems to me that your inspector was somewhat
capricious to issue a full blown citation in your case.