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Re: Fume Hood Decontamination

Reply-to: Johnny.Brandon@p0.f13.n233.z1.fidonet.org (Johnny Brandon)
Fido-To: romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu!cc.colorado.ed

 r> The hoods in question are new (< 6 years old) and have seen
 r> tritium and C-14 use only, as sodium borotritide and sodium
 r> carbon(14)ate.  Therefore, I anticipate much of the
 r> radiation to be "removable".
given the chemical forms indicated, i anticipate much of the radiation 
will go up the stack.  reactions w/ these compounds that i am familiar 
w/ tend to be accompanied by gaseous releases.  any surface 
contamination should be easy to decon.

 r> What is a good catalog/handbook of radiation survey
 r> equipment?
for H-3 you have to use LSC, for the C-14; unless unusually "large" 
quantities (many millicuries) are in use LSC surveys should be 
if you're in the market for handheld detectors (GMs w/ thin window 
probes) because you wish to directly monitor for C-14 you could contact 
any of the instrument vendors, they'll be glad to send a catalog.  try 
WB Johnson, Eberline, Bicron, and Victoreen for starters.
--- Maximus-CBCS v1.02
--- eecp 1.45 LM2 

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