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Merged Hazmat and Radwaste Facilities

*** Reply to note of 03/14/94 07:59
At UC Santa Barbara we have a facility dedicated to handling both hazardous
and radioactive waste.  Other UC campuses have similar existing facilities or
plans to build them.  At our building, different personnel handle the types
of waste, and separate but adjacent rooms are used for processing of LLRW and
hazardous waste.  As far as I know there have been no objections to our
operation by the CA Dept. of Health Services or the Dept. of Toxic Substances
Control.  I don't know your exact layout, but I can't imagine why the NRC
would object to a walled off area clearly marked for rad waste processing.
We also have separate areas for "storage" of waste (really it is stockpiling
until the Ward Valley LLRW disposal site gets going).  Good luck!

Roman Fail
Sr. Radiation Technician
Univ. of California at Santa Barbara