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Fiesta & Radon
--- Received from ESG.GVRZ301 (817) 551-4157 04/20/94 14.14
Just read an interesting article yesterday morning. I appears that
ORANGE Fiesta dishware can emit Radon in significant quantities. In
the study it was found that a single plate in an unventilated 15 X 15
ft room could produce a radon concentration of 28 picocuries/liter.
This information was presented in a report to the Geological Society
of America at a Binghamton, NY meeting by Rudolph Hon and Christopher
Zeman of Boston College. This news article was produced by the
Baltimore Sun and picked up by the wire service and reprinted in the
Houston Chronicle 19 April 94.
Perhaps someone on the list knows these gentleman and could get more
detailed information.
Jeff Pettigrew
Radiation Safety Officer
Halliburton Energy Services
713-496-8319 Houston office
817-551-4157 Ft Worth office